We drove to Chicago over the weekend to witness my second daughter’s graduation from my alma mater, Rush Medical College. The date was Saturday, April 29th, and it was a cold rainy day. I love Chicago and, at times, toy with the idea of moving back there in retirement, but I know deep down that reality is fairly low. Sheboygan grows on a person over time, and with all our friends here and the cost of living what it is, I think a move to the big city will never happen. Luckily, it’s close, and we will have many opportunities to visit in the future.

We arrived with about 20 minutes to spare, thanks to unexpected but also expected traffic along the way. The ceremony was flawless, and the speeches were very enjoyable to listen to. The actual presentation of diplomas seemed to take forever as Rush now has a huge composition of schools ranging from Vascular Ultrasound, MS degrees in many fields, NP degrees, PhDs, and M.Ds.

Lily’s class was among the last to hit the stage, but it was worth waiting for. We also had premium, front-row seats, thanks to the fact that I was an alum at Rush. Thanks to her reserving our spots in advance, we were in the front row.

Lily plans to attend Family Medicine at Swedish Cherry Hill and move with her husband, David, and their pets later in May.

Below is a Youtube Video of the event in case you’re so inclined. I cut out one speech and most of the ceremony, but it gives you a good idea of the event. Lily’s classmate Jordan Cisneros gave a wonderful talk and deserved to be seen by those unable to attend!