Poor Zed had another bad day a few weeks ago. He likes to play and somehow ripped his hindfoot toenail again. I say again because this happened about 4 months ago requiring a visit to the veterinarian at the time. Then, it was something that they felt could be wrapped, and given time it should heal without any supervision. It seemed to be getting better over the ensuing months, but somehow he managed to pull the already healing toenail nearly completely off this time. Toenails bleed like crazy and we had blood splatters throughout the house and all over the back leather seats of my nice truck.
I called the vet again and asked if they could take a look at it and they were able to get us in right away that same day. Zed and I drove over to their office and due to the COVID restrictions, humans were not allowed into the examining room. They looked at it in the parking lot and agreed that he needed to have the toenail completely removed and bandaged, but it would require general anesthesia. So he reluctantly went inside (he is becoming all too familiar with the vet’s office and the associated unpleasantness that ensues upon entering) and had same-day surgery while I waited. That was the easy part!
The hard part was getting him into and out of the truck and then into our house after general anesthesia. The poor guy was really out of it for the remainder of the evening, but luckily the kids and Willow were with us to help comfort him. In the end, he has fully recovered and is no worse for the wear. His toenail looks a little strange and he’s a little self-conscious about it, but I explained to him that we all have weird things somewhere on our bodies and it’s OK. He accepted that and has decided not to let his toenail embarrass him anymore in the future.
It’s nice to have Zed back and healthy once again!