Can’t believe it has been such a long time since my last post.  The last two months have been a whirlwind for me with so many things going on I can’t keep it all straight.  First things first…  The Boundry Waters vacation was a great success for our children.  We ended up staying at the Rockwood Lodge on the Gunflint Trail about 30 miles outside of Grand Marais, MN.  What a wonderful place with wonderful hosts, Mike and Lin!  Thanks to their hospitality, the kids were able to canoe, hike, adventure, grill out, play games, fish and read books!   All of this was done without any cell phones, no TV and no internet.  While driving the 10 hour trip back home, I asked them what they would like to do next year and gave them several options….. “Dad, we liked it there.  Let’s go back there next year!”  So perhaps this will become an annual trip for the family!  Click HERE for all the pictures…..