Sophia enjoys a 4 star toilet. Note assistance from mom required each time to avoid falling on the residue of other contented visitors.

Unfortunately, the Peterson clan had to frequently visit the Chinese toilets due to our illnesses. They never really defined what the star system meant, but here is my best guess. 1 star-has water running via a garden hose to flush the sewage down the trough , 2 star-add 3 ft high privacy walls along the trough to make individual stalls , 3 star – add doors to the stalls and include one non-squatter western toilet (but one you would be afraid to sit on), 4 star – includes toilet paper left by another tourist, 5 star – above plus odor free. Note that we never were able to visit an actual 5 star. Do not fear, by the upcoming Olympics Beijing plans to build 64 four star, 197 three star, and 118 one star toilets at major tourist attracttions according to a recent news release.