Received this excellent birthday present yesterday.   It’s a book made with care by Michele H outlining our summer Ragbrai adventure last year complete with many wonderful pictures, many of which I shot myself!  I had the privilege of sharing it with Luke and Noah (who also participated).

Tonight, I am being treated to dinner out with the family at Blind Horse and then a VERY SPECIAL moment afterwards!  Getting my new bowling ball drilled (FINALLY!).  Did I mention I bowl in a league at the Elks Lodge?   Well…..  Let me tell you!

My Ragbrai Book!

As part of my birthday celebration, we headed on over to meet up with Steve who did a top-notch job of drilling my new bowling ball. He says it is guaranteed to result in consistent games over 100. I am still a little skeptical.

Friend Steve Richter doing what he does best
Trying to understand what he’s doing
I think he just wanted to hold my hand
Drill baby! Drill!!