Last Ice

After a blustery rainy night here in Steinthal we awoke to a cool and wet morning.  No damage done here regardless of the two tornados that passed nearby.  I look out my back window and thought about Noah this morning asking if he could go down and look to see how much ice is still on the lake.  We were rushed for time with school and he wasn’t able to get it done.  I thought I would take a picture of the lake for him since he won’t be able to see it in time prior to the inevitable thaw.  Even more beautiful than the sight of it all, the sound of the cracking ice over the entire lake was something I honestly think I have never heard before.  Yes, I DID lose a tree, however, that happened over the winter and had nothing to do with the storm last night.  Soon I get to strap on my bright orange safety chaps and chainsaw it into many pieces!  Can you say bonfire!

The back yard

Fallen Tree
Stranded boat