After 30 years of existence, Take Five is starting to show her wear.  I have been doing my best to keep up with the maintenance, but honestly over the last five whirlwind years, I haven’t done as well as the boat really deserves.  That has finally changed now that I am certain of my sole ownership of her and also knowing that my home is up for sale, I am counting on the boat to serve my family as a nice summer “cottage” on the water.

As such, this winter I have been working with my marina in order to get some of the more necessary cosmetics taken care of prior to launch in a few weeks.   The exterior windows and runners were all worn out and have been replaced.  I also had all the rails re-sanded and varnished!  Finally, the majority of canvas is going to be replaced and I am going to have the handrails and bow pulpit wrapped in canvas in order to help protect them from the UV that seems to destroy

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