One of the joys of having a day off when the kids are home is that I have the time to spend with them more than I do when I am working all day.   Yesterday was a rainy one here at Steinthal and the kids and I decided to make the most of the day by heading to Walmart for food and other supplies.  Sophia, my 12 year old, was in her usual silly mood and wanted to put something that she had read about on the internet to the test.  If true, it would be absolutely HILARIOUS!!!  
The test:  If you have the cashier scan a package of Land O Lakes butter, the register would display LOL BUTT !!  
How could I not fork over the necessary $4.68 for the butter that we really did not need?  Sophia and I were simply giddy with excitement!  Noah and Emily just rolled their eyes a lot….   And so the test begins……
Sophia poses at the dairy section prepared to pick out her Land O Lakes butter!

The nervous anticipation at the check out….

SO is it TRUE?????
Sophia is prepared for the answer to one of her many questions of life…..

AWWW!!!!     What a disappointment!   

Well, we can cross this one off our bucket list!  The internet was providing us with a myth…. or was it?  Emily deduced at the check out that perhaps it was because Sophia had used the 1/2 stick box instead of the full stick butter.   Perhaps next time, we will have to try another type of Land O Lakes butter to see if we can force the register to say:  LOL BUTT !  I am fairly certain we will try every Land O Lakes Butter package so we are certain of this….    Until then, I am looking forward to some home made butter-filled cookies for dessert in the very near future!

UPDATE:  After the original post, Sophie sent me the picture she was referring to….  perhaps it IS true!!!!