Had a great time taking the Airstream (Dragonfly) over the big pond (Lake Michigan) during the last week of August. We had a little help from the S.S. Badger Ferry that conveniently shuttles people, cars, trucks and just about anything else back and forth over Lake Michigan between Manitowoc, WI. and Ludington, MI. It’s a 4 hour cruise and for the most part one can enjoy their relaxing travel time playing cards, bingo, trivia or in our case (at least on the trip to MI.) watching countless people puke all over the place. Bad weather and large waves made for a roller coaster ride that even made some members of our party a little queasy. Although none of us let er rip on the decks of the ferry. Whew!!
We headed to Duck Creek RV Resort, which boasts the only swimming pool in the United States shaped like a duck and they pick up your trash and deliver your fire wood. Just a little over the top for our tastes (but the duck foot shaped hot tub was sure nice)! I also think the cement to grass ratio was a little on the VERY HIGH side! Also Michigan’s Adventure was a great local amusement park where I nearly lost all semblance of myself as I was strung up on a cable and dropped 110 feet on the Rip Cord! The whole time I was acting “brave” so that Brynn (also scared shitless) wouldn’t take off running and never looking back. I so did NOT want to do that. In the pictures of the event, I think you can see just an ever so faint glimmer of a tear in her eyes.. (and mine). Let’s just say it ripped some of my back muscles loose when we started the 90 MPH swing over the pond. It was AWESOME!!!!!
Then off to Grand Haven State Park during some bad riptide events (we made sure to take a lot of pictures of all of us on the break wall while the water leaped over the edges…. No worries) and finally Silver Lake State Park where we had a ton of fun playing in dune buggies or breaking them in the case of my 21-year old daughter! Despite her insistence that it was her fault for driving 50 MPH straight down into a 30 foot diameter hole, I managed to silence her long enough to explain my version of the “story” to the rental company and surprisingly we left without any additional expenses. Perhaps I should have gone into used car sales….
We also had a small amount of time to spend with my sister and her family! She is, without any doubt, my favorite!!
Below are a few pictures of our adventure.

Leaving Steinthal for Manitowoc, WI. and the ferry

The last vehicle loaded onto the ferry

Stormy weather during our departure – Manitowoc in the background

Camping at Duck Creek RV Campground – Can you say CEMENT?

Luke and Emily enjoying the cot bunks.

I tried to read. Tried….

Me digging out our dune buggy after a failed attempt at playing King of the Mountain

Emily’s buggy after and hour of pounding jaw-shattering hell. Pretty sure the wheels aren’t supposed to turn inward like that (broken tie rod)… oooops

Playing on the beach at Grand Haven State Park

Terrified before the 110 foot free fall at Michigan’s Adventure.

Getting ready to ride a scary roller coaster!

Grand Haven, MI.

Grand Haven, MI.

Bowling in Rockford, MI. Home of The Dunnums (My sister’s family)

Emily working on school applications….

Luke reading while waiting for the ferry – Ludington, MI.

SS Badger arriving in Ludington and we prepare for our trip to Manitowoc.

and Lukas won a prize playing B-I-N-G-O!!!! He was so happy!