As you may or may not know, I was recently asked to take over editing The Sheboygan Yacht Club’s monthly newsletter called The Bow ‘n’ Stern. I have done this for three months and had no idea how much time it would take to create. I started from scratch, learning how to use Adobe InDesign and creating a template that can be used every month going forward. I spent at least 20 hours the first month, but this has decreased a little over the last couple of months. Regardless, I have really enjoyed some of the events in which I now get to participate and I have the opportunity to write some things that are a little quirky and perhaps even slightly embellished.
This is one particular story that I took advantage of when I heard the race mark was found. Initially, several club members said it should be picked up and thrown away or placed in storage depending on its condition. I thought “Why not put it on display at the club and make it a story about a wayward mark being reunited with its home?” I proposed it and the other members laughingly agreed! And here is the rest of the story as published in July’s issue of The Bow ‘n’ Stern:
Over five years ago the east (E) mark used by club members during racing season sadly disappeared. It was a mystery to everyone and the racing teams had long conversations about the whereabouts of the mark. As time went on, race crews eventually forgot about the experiences they had while circling around the trusty old yellow east mark. Memories faded and the mark was never really discussed again. The remaining S, N and W marks were all reluctantly replaced and the crews moved on, forever puzzled and with a slight feeling of emptiness, though most wouldn’t admit it.

That changed on June 17th of this year when Peter Mayer broke the thrilling news to the race teams that the east mark had been found washed ashore 84 miles to the south on Jeff and Joy’s lakefront property near Pleasant Prairie, WI.

The excited chatter amongst the race teams was filled with joy as multiple individuals enthusiastically volunteered to retrieve the mark from its confinement so it could be reunited with the club!
Mark Mickelson along with Dale Huenink were able to make the trip and rescue the mark. “I never saw two people so happy to see two old guys in a truck showing up on their property”, reported Mark. The chain, buried in the rock on shore made the removal process more challenging than expected, but in the end, they were able to release the mark from its imprisonment and bring it back to its proper home.

Peter Mayer asked that the song ‘Missing You’ by John Waite be played during the drive to recover the east mark and since most club members are too young to remember it, the editor has included the first two verses of this 1984 masterpiece at the end of this breaking story. It is also unclear to the newsletter staff if Dale and Mark actually listened to the song or even sang during their drive, but we believe they did.
On June 19th, the east mark was carefully placed on the south lawn of the club so members can pay tribute. Now is the time to take those pictures of your friends and family members with this legacy of our club’s past as a sailboat racing community with a full compass rose course set each season. Don’t forget to submit some creative pictures enjoying your time with the wayward east mark.

Every time I think of you
I always catch my breath
And I’m still standing here
And you’re miles away
And I’m wondering why you left
And there’s a storm that’s raging
Through my frozen heart tonight
I hear your name in certain circles
And it always makes me smile
I spend my time
Thinking about you
And it’s almost driving me wild
And that’s my heart that’s breaking
Down this long distance line tonight
I ain’t missing you at all
Since you’ve been gone away
I ain’t missing you
No matter
What my friends say
John Waite
And below you are welcome to take a look at the rest of July’s Bow ‘n’ Stern. Enjoy!