I recently lost all 13,127 photos stored on my laptop due to an accidental delete.    Unfortunately, it also wiped out all my photoshop images and my dropbox images that were used for my website as well.  Pretty much any photo on my computer got wiped…. The good news is that I think I have them saved to a backup, but it will take about 4 days to restore images.  Once I have the time to start that process, I will.    I feel as though I am going through withdrawals when I don’t have images to look at and edit so I am trying to focus on other things that need my attention instead.  Probably a good thing this happened (at least that is what I try to tell myself…)
The real purpose of this entry, however, was to share the production link to the solar panels.  It can be found HERE.  Currently, the site is updated once daily.    As you can see, they are getting off to a slow start with the snow and cloudy days.  Despite this, they should be completely paid for in 10 years and at that point (with the implementation of more electricity saving practices) I am hoping to generate enough electricity to sustain the property!