While I look out the window this morning to find overcast skies and listen to radio report about the half foot of snow that fell just north of Green Bay in the middle of the night,  I try to remind myself that soon we will be done with this horribly cold winter!  Despite all the cold and snow, I also read recently that our county is already forecasted to be facing drought condition this summer largely due to the fact that while we had a share of below zero temperatures, we didn’t get enough snow to replenish the soil.    On a more positive note, the panels are starting to generate their fair share of electricity (5,644 kWh to date) for us despite a few glitches in the tracker motors that are being repaired and readjusted.  Looking forward to summer for so many reasons!  The snow plow is still on the truck and will probably stay on for one more month, just in case…..