I had a half day at work yesterday and started to clear some of the ugly brush in the front of our house. It was mostly dead wood to begin with so I didn’t feel too bad about cutting it out! I also have new found respect for the destructive power of my chainsaw as it hit my left leg while a tree was falling…….thank goodness I wear all the protective garb, including helmet with faceplate and protective chaps! It caught the chaps and did a number on them, but no harm done to my leg…………perhaps I should stick to my day job………..not..

We are starting to see the lodge to completion…..Here is the current status of the exterior. The inside is currently getting its first coat of new paint! Looking forward to it being done so we can start enjoying our new space! Yes, that’s rusted serrated metal on the tower! It will look totally worn in no time at all! Kind of like those jeans you can by with holes already ripped into them!