We are lucky to have the experiences we have and this weekend was proof. We were invited to a friend’s wedding anniversary celebration which incorporated a wonderful dinner out and an adult-only roller skating party at a local rink.

The dinner was excellent despite ordering more food than we could eat. The roller skating event had me just a little worried about how and if I would survive the “fun” without breaking a hip. I vaguely remember taking my kids to the local rink about 15-20 years ago which in my recollection hasn’t changed much at all despite having a new owner.

We entered the building and were warmly welcomed by the owners, staff and many of the regulars that clearly spend a lot of evenings on 4 wheel skates. We strapped on our rental skates and headed out onto the floor. I was a little shaky at first, but after several minutes started to feel a lot more comfortable moving around the floor in a near-constant left-hand turn. It brought back many memories of spending countless hours at a local roller rink in Ossian, IA. where I grew up, that place being the ONLY weekend hang out available to us kids.
It was a part of my life growing up and after this weekend’s experience, I am only hoping to go back for more, and hopefully, someday I might even be called a “regular”. Natalie did a great job despite her limited exposure to roller skating in the past and isn’t nearly as enthusiastic about returning any time soon, but I’m very certain I can easily convince her otherwise.