After a busy and productive Sunday refinishing and painting old picture frames for the lodge, we decided to take a stroll down to the lake and relax for awhile before dinner.  While there we noticed a HUGE bug swimming in the paddle boat and we spent about 5 minutes trying to catch it so we could show all the kids.  I was a little afraid to touch it since I really didn’t know what it was, but after we caught it, I started feeling pretty comfortable that it was just another harmless, big bug.  I handled it without incident and even tried to coax the kids into holding it for awhile before taking it back to it’s home in the back yard.  Later that evening I received an email entitled “big yucky water bug” with a little more information about the bug we had just seen.  It was information I did not want to read…..

Turns out this bug is called a Belostomatidae and it is known as a giant water bug, toe biters, electric-light bugs and Alligator Ticks.  They live in the water, breathe air and hunt small fish.  They also have a nasty bite.  Their bite, in fact, is considered one of the most painful inflicted by any insect (from the Schmidt Sting Pain Index) .  They often play dead only later to “come alive” with painful results.  I read one story in which a guy got bit and his whole arm was numb for two weeks following the event.  Lesson learned?  Not sure….

No, that’s not blood on my hands…. just paint…..

As much as I tried, I could not convince the kids to hold him…  They are SMART!