A whirlwind Christmas and New Years was celebrated, although little time was spent with my children.  It has been the second Christmas break in a row in which the children were not at home during the majority of their break.  Christmas eve was very enjoyably spent at a local church singing traditional Christmas songs and enjoying the time with family and friends.   We ended up watching the latest edition of A Christmas Carol thanks to Disney and Jim Carrey!

Afterwards, it was to bed awaiting the arrival of Santa and his reindeer.  This year, Santa was not nearly as generous as he has been in the past, but in the end I hope the children remember the true meaning of the holiday and learn that it’s not about receiving presents.  A sushi making kit, camera, unicycle, video game and various watches were received.   The kids had to leave by 10:00 AM and don’t return until January 4th, a full 10 days away..  It is very hard not being able to have the time with them like I would hope.  I just keep telling myself that I had no choice in this and I will try to do the best I can with what has been dealt to me and the children…

Months ago, I had taken off work and planned a week long Christmas trip with the kids, but that trip had to be cancelled after learning the children wouldn’t be available.  However, I had a wonderful time traveling to a friend’s winter home in Palm Island, Florida and although the weather was somewhat brisk particularly in the evening, it was still very enjoyable, sunny and warm during the day.

 I was joined in this trip by a friend and her son.  She too had to deal with infidelity on the part of her spouse and has suddenly found herself a single mother of a young son.  This was his first “memorable” trip on an airplane although he flew to Panama at the age of 10 months.   We spent what little time we had on Palm Island on the beach and in the pool and made a day trip to Boca Grande, just a few miles south.  On Wednesday morning, the condo was in a stir as we could hear the little one walking around saying, “Arrrrhh, I’m a pirate!”   Needless to say, I think he enjoyed this experience and I have found great happiness in being able to experience this trip through his eyes.  We enjoyed taking some fantastic pictures!

Sunset overlooking the Gulf

The first time EVER on a beach!
The Bridge to Nowhere?

Sea shells by the sea shore