We had another funtastic and exhausting weekend in Madison this weekend.  Headed out on Friday night in preparation for Michael Feldman’s live radio show:  Whadya Know…. NOT MUCH, YOU?  The kids have really grown up with this show on the weekends as I listened to it all the time while mopping my kitchen floor on Saturday mornings.  They have grown fond of it and it was a recent request after having participated in A Prairie Home Companion only a few weeks prior….  We woke up on Saturday morning and Michael was nice enough to include every single Peterson kid in the show and they were thrilled.  Emily was the star, being the contestant on his famed quiz broadcast live throughout the country!  She didn’t let us down, winning the quiz and coming home with an assortment of coveted prizes, including cheese!

After the radio show, we met up with some friends for a march around the capital, a stop in Starbucks, a few hours in the Children’s Museum and then out to eat at an amazing Indian Restaurant.  Then we crashed over night in the hotel, got up for a morning swim and then a speedy drive home to complete the first of five new beehives for the boys’ new hobby.  Bees coming April 27th. More on that adventure at a later time!.


