Just returned this past Monday from a week long trip to Nevada. Spent the first half in Laughlin, located across the Colorado River from Bullhead City, Arizona and then headed north to Las Vegas. We stayed at The Encore and enjoyed about as much craziness as we were able to prior to heading home. Had a fantastic time with some friends and were able to stay relatively tame during our adventure! As much as I enjoy Vegas, it’s always nice to get home. Willow was thrilled to have us back and we made it just in time for a polar vortex that is affecting the entire United States. We are currently at -20 degrees Fahrenheit and that’s BEFORE wind chill which is putting us in the neighborhood of -50 degrees! Normally I have a lot of pictures to share, but this time we seemed to have spent more time enjoying and less time taking pictures. Here are a few to share!
Las Vegas!