Spent the weekend at High Cliff State Park near Appleton, WI.  Beautiful place and had a great time.  Made for an excellent destination for the maiden voyage with the new old Airstream.   The camper was without electricity for two nights, but fared well nonetheless.  While there are still several items that need to be repaired or updated, the camper provided for just enough comfort during the weekend getaway without any major problems.  I was able to get the water heater to deliver hot water throughout the camper discovering that the previous owner had hooked it up incorrectly.  Also, the canopy was repaired with a new arm and now works.  I also discovered that the previous batteries installed were car batteries and while both were charged,  one is leaking battery acid so it too will need to be replaced soon.  This may be the time to start thinking about some robust deep cycle batteries and configuring a small solar PV system to keep them charged.  I like the idea of camping without any electricity and will start designing something that we can use for those boondocking trips in the future.

Repairing the vintage canopy with a recently delivered part.

Repairing the vintage canopy with a recently delivered part.


The canopy works!!!!


Lake Winnebago to the west


One of the “high cliffs” at High Cliff State Park. Not necessarily a kid-friendly locale….

Highcliff-15 Highcliff-19