Today I saw my kids leave our Steinthal home, perhaps for the last time.  This weekend will be spent packing up clothing and other items that we will need at our winter home in Manitowoc.  Movers will be here on Monday.  While I will personally continue to spend time at Steinthal, I am unsure to what degree and for how long.   After a quick morning plow and driving the younger kids to school in Sheboygan, I got home and shoveled the walks while listening to classic rock, reminiscing of last year when Michaela was home over college break and decided to head out and get some exercise shoveling.  I came home to see her in an old snow mobile suit she found at her favorite second-hand store.  It was truly fashionable and extremely functional and complete with matching black and red gloves and untied boots!  A true happy moment!