During a camping event on October of 2015, a group of stylish individuals were discussing the latest fashion craze of distressed (holey not necessarily holy) jeans now for sale everywhere at a premium price.  After a few beers around the campfire, someone came up with the brilliant idea of just shooting jeans with buckshot in order to obtain the desired effect at a fraction of the cost.

The group was finally able to create the effect in their jeans this weekend while staying at The Lodge at Steinthal.  They initially planned on creating their masterpieces during the evening hours after dinner (and several drinks), but due to the earlier sunset and fellowship activities (several drinks) that were taking place, it was decided by the more responsible members that they would conquer the task in the morning while still in their pajamas and not in the dark after those several drinks.

The weather was perfect and the stage was set after a morning coffee and pancake breakfast.  In true red-neck fashion, the crew gathered in the field with a 12-guage shot gun, a package of shells and ear protection!  Another great success!

The "Ladies" celebrate after creating their newly shot fashion statements.

The “Ladies” celebrate after creating their newly shot fashion statements.

Below is the Youtube post made in order to forever capture this moment in time.



