We have been testing out and implementing some ideas in the early phases of decorating Take Five.  The kids are really motivated and I know it has nothing to do with the ample supplies of take out pizza involved.  Noah continues to fine-tune the light show and Luke is getting ready to present us with some DJ quality mixes.  Evidently, he plans to do all his mixing live during the parade.  We are also hoping that we can incorporate some karaoke into the mix, but may have to do that prior to the parade.

One of the biggest problems we were faced with was how to project the stage lights onto the outside of the boat as they are projected LEDs.  I was thinking about using metal booms and extending the projectors away from the boat and over the water, but was fearful of everything that could potentially go wrong with that, not the least of which would be docking ability, loss of a projector in the water and electrocution.   After more thought, Noah had an idea of trying to project the lights onto the salon and lower helm windows.  I was able to research DIY rear projection screens and found out that frosted shower curtains work great!  So we bought one cheap curtain as a test just to see if it would work as a rear-projection screen so all the lights can stay inside the salon and project out.  IT WORKED!  Now we will buy 6 more curtains, cut them to size and mount them into the windows for an amazing effect.

Here are a few pictures of the slow process that is far from complete, but finally we have a vision of what we are wanting to accomplish and how we are to reach our end goal of winning the 1st place prize at the parade this Sunday night.

Lukas admiring the light show in the salon

Lukas admiring the light show in the salon

Painting the PVC flagpole

Painting the PVC flagpole

Hooking up the DMX cables for lighting

Hooking up the DMX cables for lighting

The light master

The light master

Venetian Boat Night-10

I think she's confused about where the lights are supposed to go....

I think she’s confused about where the lights are supposed to go….

Mounting "hardware" for the flag spotlights

Mounting “hardware” for the flag spotlights

Stringing 250 feet of blue LED rope

Stringing 250 feet of blue LED rope

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It was either turn the boat around (a not so easy and quick task) or use the dinghy..

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So far, we haven’t lost anyone overboard…

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Check out that flagpole!!

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Almost complete with the rub rail LED lights. Still have a lot more to go…

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Shower curtain test works! We now need to fine tune their installation on all windows.