After a lot of thought and as part of our continuing transition away from the country and into the city, I have decided to startup one beehive in our backyard this spring. I buy the bees the first week of May! There is a small problem with my bee allergy, but I will have my epi-pens on hand and I honestly don’t think it will be a problem. The last time I got myself into trouble was during a massive stinging episode to my face and it was due to my own stupidity as I was mowing near the hives during an early rain which is a time the bees aren’t foraging and on full “protection mode”. They did an excellent job of protecting the hive that day. I think it would be very unlikely if I were to have an anaphylactic reaction this time around, but I plan to have someone on hand to keep an eye on me for a while to see how I react to getting stung this time….. Fingers crossed. I admit I’m a little nervous, but I really adore this hobby and want to see if I can get back into some small-time honey production again.