Day two with Willow went VERY well, if you don’t count the two hours of howling in the middle of the night while in her crate. Her first overnight with us was much better than the second. Ultimately she survived without incident and was ecstatic to be out this morning and back in the “people bed.” Yesterday she was able to explore more of the property and residence and even went for a stroll through the woods with Dan. She loves the snow and really seems to have a fondness for dirt!
She much of her waking moments with the kids outside and has been a lot of fun to watch her experience so many things for the first time. She is already ringing a bell to be let outside (which I personally find amazing) and has done very well with her potty training.
Today was her first vet visit for a check up and vaccinations. She received her bordetella pertussis (kennel cough) vaccine as well as Lyme’s disease vaccine and the vet gave her all passing grades! They loved her markings and she even decided to introduce herself to the residence vet cats who were completely disinterested with her… As I write this, she is napping and I am feeling as though I could do the same…..

The board on the wall at the vet welcoming all the lucky patients of the day!