Willow finally came home today! We woke up early this morning and prepared for the two hour drive to Lake Mills, Wisconsin where she was waiting for us. The kids were completely surprised as we kept this a secret from them for many months! It was a great drive home after a quick stop at a pet store for some last minute supplies! The rest of the day has been spent playing outside, exploring her new home and watching the Air Buddies movie with the kids. The hardest part of the day was trying to figure out how to put together the kennel which came complete without instructions. Only a few fingers were pinched and one was cut, but the two adults we were able to get it together after 30 minutes without getting too irritated with each other. Next time, we will have it up in 5 minutes or less! Tonight we are hoping to have a quiet night, but not completely sure what to expect. Regardless, we are embracing this time and looking forward to share many future stories about her life with us!