A whirlwind Memorial Day weekend was spent in Green Bay while I continue to wait for the internet services to be implemented at home.  Being on call without internet is not an option.  With the luxury of high-speed internet, we were able to make the weekend a “vacation” while still allowing me the ability to cover call.

The kids were wonderful and we were able to enjoy the wonderful weekend grilling out in the back yard complete with our tent (minus the canopy….ooops).

We ended up pitching a tent in the back yard, watching movies, grilling out, eating treats from Smart Cow, swimming at the Marina and dining at Regatta 220.  We were even able to watch the Celebrate Depere Memorial Day Parade on Monday!

On our way home, Emily blew a tire on the car.  With Grandpa close by, we were able to get the spare on just in time to watch the sunset over Steinthal.  Two snapping turtle visitors also greeted us in the drive and provided some last minute entertainment for the kids before bed.  I’m still exhausted thinking about it!